The DataBench project addresses this significant gap in the current benchmarking community’s activities, by providing certifiable benchmarks and evaluation schemes of BDT performance of high business impact and industrial significance.
The goal of DataBench is to design a benchmarking process helping European organizations developing BDT to reach for excellence and constantly improve their performance, by measuring their technology development activity against parameters of high business relevance.
We lead the activities related to the design and implementation of the DataBench Toolbox, a benchmarking tool to determine the optimal data management and analytics benchmarking approaches providing ready-to-use searching and visualization capabilities of the metrics and benchmarks for monitoring the results of Big Data Technologies’ projects or frameworks.
For this purpose, we fully leverage our experience and expertise on emerging technologies and, in particular, the work and experience of its Data Intelligence Lab specializing in Big Data, data integration, linked data, semantics, and language technologies.
Moreover, the Innovation Hub team supports us by leading the consensus building, dissemination, and exploitation activities, leveraging all the results coming from the project, thus supporting all the work packages and encompassing input from all the partners.